The ATLASGAL Database Server

ATLASGAL CSC Summary Page: AGAL323.459-00.079

Dust Emission Image and Catalogue Parameters

ATLASGAL 870 μm Emission Map (5' x 5')

(fits file) (postscript file)

(3.5μm 4.6μm 5.8μm 8.0μm fits files) (postscript file)

(3.4μm 4.6μm 12μm 22μm fits files) (postscript file)


The image presented in the left panel is a 5x5 arcmin region extracted from the ATLASGAL tiles and is centred on the position of the peak flux associated with the source. The source size and orientation is shown by the blue ellipse, while the sizes and orientations of any other detected sources located in the field are shown in green. The contours shown in grey start at 3 sigma and increase in steps determined by a dynamic power law (see Thompson et al. 2006 for details). The angular resolution of the ATLASGAL survey is indicated by the hatched red circle shown in the lower left corner. In the middle and right panels we present a three colour mid-infrared image created using the 4.5, 5.8 and 8 μm IRAC band filters extracted from the GLIMPSE Legacy Project, and the 4.6, 12 and 22 μm WISE bands. Contours show the distribution of the dust with respect to the infrared emission (contour levels are the same as shown in the left panel). The white hatched circle shown in the lower left corner of this image again indicates the resolution of the ATLASGAL survey.

CSC Parameters (show GCSC catalogue)
Cat. Id Source Name RA Dec Eff. Radiusa Peak Flux Int. Flux Detectionb Dust Temp. VLSR Distance Mass Luminosity Classification Catalogue
(J2000) (J2000) ('') (Jy beam-1) (Jy) Flag (K) (km s-1) (kpc) (log[Msun]) (log[Lsun]) Reference
4296 AGAL323.459-00.079 15:29:19.48 -56:31:23.2 46 6.01 29.17 0 33.5 -68 4 5.074 3.107 HII region (Radio) Contreras et al. (2013)

Useful Linksc


a) The effective radius is estimated from the geometric mean of the deconvolved major and minor axes and multiplied by a factor of 2.4 that relates the ms size of the emission distribution of the source to its angular radius (Eqn. 6 of Rosolowsky et al. 2010). As the sizes are determined for the emission above 3 times the local background noise the major and minor axes can be smaller than the beam for some of the weaker sources and in these cases a value of -1 is returned for this field.

b) This flag is either zero (no particular problem), or is equal to the sum of one or more number(s) with the following meanings: (1) the object has neighbours, bright and close enough to significantly bias the photometry, or bad pixels (more than 10% of the integrated area affected); (2) the object was originally blended with another one; (4) at least one pixel of the object is saturated (or very close to); (8) the object is truncated (too close to an image boundary); (16) object's aperture data are incomplete or corrupted; (32) object's isophotal data are incomplete or corrupted; (64) a memory overflow occurred during deblending; (128) a memory overflow occurred during extraction. For example, a flag value of 10 means that the object was originally blended with another source and that it is truncated because is located too close to the edge of the map.

c) The size of the semi-major axis is used to search for associations with the following links.

Infrared Data

WISE Fluxes

WISE Point Source Position and Fluxes
WISE Name RA Dec Offset 3.4 μm 4.6 μm12 μm22 μmQuality
(J2000) (J2000) ('') (Mag.) (Mag.)(Mag.)(Mag.)Flags
J152919.33-563121.7 15:29:19.33 -56:31:21.7 1.95 4.8 2.2 -1.2 -4.8 00hh

Hi-Gal Data

PACS and SPIRE Images (5' x 5')

(postscript file)

PACS 70 μm (fits file, postscript))

PACS 160 μm (fits file, postscript))

SPIRE 250μm (fits file, postscript))

SPIRE 500 μm (fits file, postscript))

Image Notes

These images have been obtained from the HiGAL survey. The green circles shown in the subpanels on the right handside show the relative beam sizes of each wavelength.

ATLASGAL Molecular Line Surveys

Mopra Follow-up Observations

All transitions (View all transitions)


This source has been observed as part of an unbiased line survey between 85.2 - 93.4 GHz with a velocity resolution of ~0.9 km/s. These data have been published in Urquhart et al. 2019.

MALT90 Spectra

Plots of the Four Brightest Lines (View all transitions - not currently available)
N2H+ (1-0) (ps)
HCO+ (1-0) (ps)
HCN (1-0) (ps)
HNC (1-0) (ps)


This source has been observed as part of the MALT90 project.

Archival Molecular Line Data

Measured Line Parameters

Observed Spectrum

Mopra 13CO (1-0) fits file

Fitted Parameters for Observed Molecular Transitions
Line Id. Source Name Line transition Offset ('') RMS (K) VLSR (km/s) T_a^* (K) FWHM (km/s) Telescope Reference
79106 AGAL323.459-00.079 13CO(1-0) 0.05 0.17 -67.5 3.7 3.8 Mopra Burton et al. 2013
79107 AGAL323.459-00.079 C18O(1-0) 0.05 0.17 -67.6 0.7 3.4 Mopra Burton et al. 2013
64120 AGAL323.459-00.079 HNC (1-0) 0.37 0.17 -68.1 1.0 5.0 Mopra Jackson et al. 2013
56366 AGAL323.459-00.079 N2H+ (1-0) 0.37 0.14 -68.2 0.7 2.6 Mopra Jackson et al. 2013
14191 G323.4584-00.0787 NH3 (1,1) 2.4 0.01 -67.6 0.5 6.0 Mopra Urquhart et al. 2014
14729 G323.4584-00.0787 NH3 (2,2) 2.4 0.01 -68.0 0.1 2.6 Mopra Urquhart et al. 2014
12237 G323.46-0.08 NH3 (1,1)* 4.22 0.03 -67.3 0.4 2.3 Parkes Wienen et al. 2017
3966 15254-5621 CS (J=2-1) 4.43 0.1 -67.5 3.3 4.3 SEST Bronfman et al. 1996
46944 AGAL323.459-00.079 N2H+ 5.58 -68.0 1.3 3.3 Mopra Urquhart et al. 2019

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